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About The Blogger: Carmel Purcell

Carmel Purcell is a freelance journalist who contributes to the Makers Gallery Blog.


What factors inspired you to choose writing as a profession?

When I first started my degree at QUT, I studied event management and music. I soon realised this wasn’t going to work for me, so I switched to creative writing. Initially, I was studying writing purely out of enjoyment. It wasn’t until I studied corporate writing and editing that I realised I could do writing as a profession. This field of work appeals to me because it allows me to branch out into marketing, a discipline I’m also very interested in.

What do you most enjoy about writing blogs or writing in general?

I love learning new things, so I really enjoy the research stage of writing. I often have to write blogs and articles on topics I know nothing about, which is really exciting.

What do you least enjoy about writing blogs or writing in general?

I don’t particularly enjoy writing to unrealistic deadlines. Sometimes, with time-constraints, you have to submit work you’re not 100% happy with. I find that quite frustrating.

Do you have a writing-oriented dream or goal you want to realise in the next 10 years?

I’d love to be a travel writer. I think it’d be great to have a travel blog with an accompanying Facebook page and Instagram account.

Do you have a favourite thing you like writing about?

Travel, mostly. I also like writing short stories  particularly stories based on my own experiences. This allows me to document and revisit good memories and also work through negative experiences. It’s quite therapeutic.


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