Jen Eales
Online Store
53 Jackson St
Clayfield QLD 4011
0417 886 185
More About Jen
Jewellery is probably the most compact and portable form of personal art. It often can tell a story about the wearer or the maker. But there is usually some sort of underlying story, often untold, about its own creation, about the influences on the maker who generated and developed the idea, and finally made the work what it is.
Hands-on material manipulation is essential to how I work. Objects are shaped and formed as I explore a variety of methods to work the materials. This process brings about a raw aesthetic that I am attracted to. My making process draws on an accumulation of visual, technical, and personal influences as well as intuitive and reflective.
When it’s right you just know. When working and making I am concerned with materiality. I enjoy hand skills and processes and don’t want to conceal the marks made during the making. Colour and texture are another two aspects that get my attention. I then sit with the many different components that I have created and reflect and engage with them, seeing what goes with what. This is predominantly where intuition comes into play. Although the work is comprised of multiple components, the resulting whole is more than the sum of its parts.
I believe emotions can be communicated through the materiality, through the marks made by the maker, and through the character and form of the resulting work. The maker‘s mark is forever imprinted on these works of art.
Each piece is designed and handmade by myself from my studio. The materials I like use are varied. They consist of metals (all kinds: brass, copper aluminium and sterling silver), resin (which is formed by using handmade moulds) and many other recycled materials (plastic, acrylic and paper to name a few). I maintain complete creative control and enjoy the entire process. I adore colour and the way it can influence your mood. My designs are clean, modern and bold and allow the wearer to say something about their own personality.