Lyn Bates
Solo Exhibition
53 Jackson St
Clayfield QLD 4011
0417 886 185
More About Lyn
My practice has always been connected to the place I called home for twenty-two years and where my pottery passion began – Weipa.
Exposure to local materials came early from my first teacher who used the local kaolin decoratively on her cups. This influenced me to explore the amazing raw materials in this geologically interesting place very early but the added unique environmental influences play a huge part in my creativity. I have walked Rocky Point Beach, ‘my beach’, all these years and it’s always surprising my senses. Found materials from this beach are an integral part of my practice and are also a direct reflection of my experiences with my environment. Beach kaolin clay, beach mud, shells old and new, black wire coral, feathers, seaweed, beach grass, paperbark, beach ash from the dry season fires, and ironstone dust weave their magic. The beautiful red bauxite clay from Trunding Creek, with its resident crocodile is such a contrast to the pure white kaolin clay which lies beneath the water table. Both are an integral part in my ceramic journey.
Family has always featured in subtle marks on my work, that thread connecting the whole of me to my work. I was incredibly lucky to have a wonderful indigenous potter Thanakupi in my life sharing clay and stories so it is fitting this exhibition celebrates that beautiful strong but delicate grass dilly which was so much a part of indigenous life and also an integral part of my own life.
My dilly pots reflect my place and its incredible beauty and also the impact we are having on this environment. I wish we could tread softly in our environment like the basket weavers from long ago.